Marcos came from a town in Málaga. He was in country property with some more dogs, all of them tied to a tree each one. Someone reported the situation and the police went there to rescue them, so they called us to take care of the galgos.

Despite the pictures, where you can see maybe a shy dog, reality is completely different. Marcos is such a happy dog, grateful with us to take him out of that hell, he is extremely friendly, always looking forward to receive so many cuddles all day long, and if you don’t do it, he puts his paw on you to let you know he is by your side, ready to be spoilt.

With other dogs in the shelter he doesn’t have any problem, he is sociable with his colleagues, no matter if they are males or females. He is such a balanced boy, a great boy! He’s also ok with cats.

If you want to show Marcos for first time what means living in a home, we promise you are not going to regret. He is a perfect boy. Do you want to see it yourself? Adopt him!

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