Fragata arrived at our shelter together with Menchu and Cristina from Sevilla, handed over by her former galguero.

The three of them have only been with us for a short time and, for the moment, Fragata is still fearful and cautious with people. Fragata will receive from our volunteers all the support and patience during the process of adaptation to her new life. We hope that little by little she will be able to overcome her fears.

Fragata is friendly and sociable with other dogs. They give her security and stability. This tells us that it would be advisable for her to live with stable canine companions who can help her in her integration process.

We are looking for a family with experience with fearful dogs for her. Someone who will give her the time and care she needs so that she can gradually build up confidence and enjoy her new life. It is time for this senior galguita to find a home where she can live in peace. Do you want to give Fragata a chance? Write to us at